Well yet again i have been woken just past midnight with yet another attack from the Beast! Again it almost lasted an hour but thankfully the injection worked and put a stop to the attack just in time. Again i have to stay awake as i have now got strong shadows on the left side of the head like some one pushing down on it constantly so there is now ay of getting back to sleep. All i can do is take my mediation and lay on the sofa watching TV and hoping i doze off or actually get some rest.
Its mad is i star dong the house work as i am normally done y 8 a and then have nothing to do for the rest of the day, I am going to have to go fishing soon as i don't mind waking up at this time by the lake setting up new traps to catch the big fish. It’s fun when you are dong something you like but for the moment all i can do is take a lay down and hope i drift back off to sleep so i will update my blog later as to how i get on..
Sweet Dreams