Friday, 5 July 2013

The back’s getting as bad as the head just lately…

Although the weather has turned really nice lately and it looks like we are in for a heat wave over the next couple of weeks i have continued to get attacks during the day and also strong shadows including the early morning attacks. This morning and yesterday i wasn’t actually woken by an attack but by the shadow on the head again. The feeling of pressure on the left side of the head, the swelling on the scar and the aches and pains in the neck are all signs that i will have a big attack later in the day and no matter what i try and do to avoid the attack or triggers its still seems to happen.

I am grateful that the attacks have reduced in the amount i seem to get within a 24 hour period but it could also be the improvement of the weather also reducing the attacks. I am praying its the medication i am on and that the Pregabilin tablets actually work. The trouble i have is they always improve as the weather improves so during summer i get the least amount of attacks and during winter i get so many i wish i was dead. I am hoping this is not what is happening again with the medication i am on and hope i will see an improvement or to actually stop them before the next winter comes. I know its a lot to ask for as i have been suffering like this for 10 years so to get them to stop over night is a tall order. With an introduction of another medication the next time i see the specialist, you never know, any thing is possible.

I am really praying that i don’t have the same experience with a new medication as i did with the Verapamil. It was weird the way it reacted with me due to be an allergic reaction or just reacting with another medication it put me through hell. My stomach has never been the same and i now suffer from IBS because of what happened. I still have the hernia in the groin on the right side so ever know and again it feels like i have been kicked in the family jewels.

My back is still giving me big problems and i wish they would hurry up with the referral to the specialist. Every day it is getting harder and harder just to walk to the shop or the chemist. It seems i tend to be biting my lip in pain a lot more often when walking places just recently and am surprised just how much pain you can get in you lower back area. It seems like every muscle and bone in the lower back is on fire and spreads into your bum cheeks. Even when you stop and rest for a while and start to walk again after everything seems to suddenly feel stiff and lock up and takes you ages to get back into your walking rhythm again. It doesn’t matter what pain killers or anti inflammatories i take nothing seems to help as its never constant some days are better than others and i still get the odd day where i get no pain at all but they are becoming rare just lately.