Friday, 30 August 2013

“The Beast & The Back”, what a combination..

I haven’t been updating my blog for the last few days as i have been feeling extremely unwell and very weak. Together with the attacks from the beast i have been going through hell. My stomach is constantly bloated due to internal wind traveling around the organs and causing me sharp pain when it gets trapped. I have sharp pain shooting up and down the spine and the muscles in the back are constantly tense due to aches and pains within the muscles making them feel weak. When i try to go to the toilet the back muscles no longer want to work correctly making it a nightmare to even push out trapped wind.

When i walk i still get aches and pains in the muscles and i get the feeling like i am about to pass out but manage to struggle past it and find myself out of breath and energy. I still have a nerve trapped in the left shoulder causing it to go numb all the time and also cause me to have small panic attacks. My sides feel tender and every now and again i will get a sharp stabbing pain as wind moves and finds itself trapped in another position. The bowls seem to be playing up to the back pain and the more back pain i get the more wind i get making it very uncomfortable in any position. When i try and do simple jobs like washing the dishes or sweeping the floor my energy drains really quick and i find myself having to sit down and let myself recover for 10 minuets before completing the task waiting for the numbness to stop and the feeling to come back in your hands.

I have been to the doctor and she is dumb founded! She has ordered some blood tests to check for problems in my joints and cholesterol and even gout tests. It could all be down to one nerve being trapped or it could be something else but all i know is it’s getting worst as time goes on and i no longer know what to do. They have just cancelled my appointment with the specialist whom i need to see urgently as i just cant go on like this for much longer. I am hoping to go fishing tomorrow to help take my mind of the problems i have and the stress and maybe it will help me to focus and get some fresh air. All i know is it will take all my energy and strength to go fishing in the morning but nothing is going to stop me as i am really looking forwards to it and looking forwards to getting out in the fresh air while we still have the weather to do so. Winter is just around the corner and i know how bad my head gets when the cold weather comes. Something else i am dreading.